Welcome to, this, my corner in the Internet! This site will strike as strange to most, maybe because it is. what you are visiting is my notebook, well the parts of it I decide to share with everybody. Why? well, I'm tired of having a lot of stuff noted, thoughts about stuff I think is important and other things just lying around in the many notebooks I have in paper, or worse, in the many, many notes I take in the computer. Most of these things never get read twice. I just jot down something and it stays there forever. So I wanted to change that, so I can get to understand the connections between the things I think, review or do. This in the hope that I can write something that helps others to understand a topic or help generate a new idea. The topics I find interesting vary a lot, but I can say that they have some points in common. The first is that I'm interested in technology and how it affects our understanding of the world, mostly, how we imagine or not our future, what are the societal and political consequences of using such technologies. I'm interested in philosophy, I see Ideas as a sort of technology, since we employ ideas to give form, to articulate the relates that move our politics and configure our societies. So you get it, I can be described as a Marxist. I wouldn't use that tag on myself, since I don't believe too much into tags, people, ideas, everything changes, so what Today can be a perfect fit, will be a complete mismatch tomorrow. But for the sake of simplifying things, yes, I see things in terms of historical relationships, I think economy and politics play a role in defining most of our relationships and Architecture is one of the biggest ways to present, represent and study this. I use the image below in my presentations to finish them and ask the audience to remember that technology has a human dimension, without that dimension, technology becomes oppressive and malign. Yes, it is a decision, a conscious one, about using technology to our advance or detriment. I believe, the decisive setting to determine this is how we feel about our connection with nature. Are we part of the natural world or something else? It is simple: do we want to dominate "the others" or we want to collaborate in a system? ![[andy-kelly-0E_vhMVqL9g-unsplash.jpg]] Photo by Andy Kelly [@unsplash](https://unsplash.com/photos/photo-of-girl-laying-left-hand-on-white-digital-robot-0E_vhMVqL9g) I'm always shifting things around to achieve a better overview and understanding. So the structure of this page may change from time to time, but the main idea of this space is to communicate my vision of the World in a simple, direct and flexible manner. You will find here my portfolio, a bit of my biography and the description of my participation on different projects. The idea of collecting the projects I've worked on is in part a need, every time I have to explain somebody what I've done I forget this or that project and also I forget about the dimension on time of the work I've done. There is also a space for my written thoughts. Here I try to put into a structured manner my thoughts about different topics. Writing is a fundamental part of my way of giving form to my Ideas. I like to ruminate about things, until the solution appears to me as logic and consequential. You will also find things that I call resources. They can be as varied as Code Snippets, Illustrations, templates to several kinds of programs, and whatnot. I prefer to share them here, so the things I do find their way into the wilderness and grow and don't get stuck in my hard drive without any use or impact. Most of this stuff comes from my daily work, you will find explanations to why I create them and how I use them. Do you want to contact me? You can do it by writing an E-Mail to my address: <font color="#4bacc6">aksel [at] archdatastories.xyz</font> (this is for humans and not machines 😉 )